Archive for the ‘Events’ Category
Halloween’s * The White Rabbit and The Black Magic * Make A Wish! / Sala Polivalenta / 27 octombrie
Posted: 20th October 2012 by lemuru13 in EventsTags: chimie, coma, drum and bass, dubstep, halloween, halloween party, hip hop, mc strategy, rockwell, suie paparude, the white rabbit and the black magic
(Română) Street Heroes Spring Break
Posted: 1st May 2012 by nom nom in EventsTags: aforic, Borgore, carbon, cedry2k, deliric, doc, Gojira, MC Motion Monument, nwanda, Sharky, Street Heroes Spring Break, turbohalle, Unlocka, vlad dobrescu
Dragonu’ , Flou Rege & DJ Albu @ Timisoara | 9 martie
Posted: 5th March 2012 by lemuru13 in EventsTags: 9 martie, concert, dj al*bu, dragonu, eveniment, flou rege, timisoara
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Nane @ Caransebes | 9 martie
Posted: 5th March 2012 by lemuru13 in EventsTags: caransebes, concert, eveniment, geografic club, hip hop, nane
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Subsemnatu & Pacha Man @ Suceava | 9 martie
Posted: 5th March 2012 by lemuru13 in EventsTags: 9 martie, babylon, concert, evenimente, hip hop, pacha man, subsemnatu, suceava
Data: 9 martie 2012 la ora 21:00 Locatie: Club Babylon Oras: Suceava Pret intrare: 15 RON sursa: Urmăriţi-ne pentru mai multe evenimente hip hop!
Vescan @ Ploiesti | 9 martie
Posted: 5th March 2012 by lemuru13 in EventsTags: 9 martie, concert, evenimente, hip hop, ploiesti, vescan
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Vescan @ Wings Club / 29 ianuarie
Posted: 27th January 2012 by lemuru13 in EventsTags: 29 ianuarie, evenimente hip hop, krem, vescan, wings club
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Chimie & Aforic @ Alba Iulia / 29 ianuarie
Posted: 27th January 2012 by lemuru13 in EventsTags: 29 ianuarie, aforic, chimie, evenimente hip hop, habitat, rap
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Subcarpati @ Galati / 28 ianuarie
Posted: 27th January 2012 by lemuru13 in EventsTags: 28 ianuarie, bean, evenimente hip hop, galati, mini turneu moldova, subcarpati
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DJ Undoo @ Baia Mare / 28 ianuarie
Posted: 27th January 2012 by lemuru13 in EventsTags: 28 ianuarie, baia mare, dj undoo, evenimente hip hop, party hip hop, place caffee & lounge
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Chimie & Aforic @ Targu Mures / 28 ianuarie
Posted: 27th January 2012 by lemuru13 in EventsTags: 28 ianuarie, aforic, caffee n york, chimie, evenimente hip hop, targu mures
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Vescan @ Sfantu Gheorghe / 27 ianuarie
Posted: 23rd January 2012 by lemuru13 in EventsTags: 27 ianuarie, club la rocca, evenimente hip hop, rap, sfantu gheorghe, vescan
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Verita Saga & DJ Undoo @ Cluj-Napoca / 14 ianuarie
Posted: 11th January 2012 by lemuru13 in EventsTags: 14 ianuarie, cluj napoca, dj undoo, euphoria music hall, evenimente hip hop, verita saga
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Maximilian @ Club Planters / 13 ianuarie
Posted: 11th January 2012 by lemuru13 in EventsTags: 13 ianuarie, club planters, evenimente hip hop, maximilian, okapi, old school beats
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raku & Cedry2k @ Timisoara / 13 ianuarie
Posted: 11th January 2012 by lemuru13 in EventsTags: 13 ianuarie, cedry2k, club setup, eveniment caritabil, hip hop, raku, timisoara
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(Română) Donk @ Focsani / 29 decembrie – Lansare Doua Parti
Posted: 21st December 2011 by lemuru13 in EventsTags: 29 decembrie, donk, evenimente hip hop, focsani, lansare doua parti
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(Română) Chimie & El Nino & Gazah @ Focsani / 27 decembrie
Posted: 21st December 2011 by lemuru13 in EventsTags: 27 decembrie, chimie, club tmc, el nino, evenimente hip hop, focsani
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(Română) Raku @ Cugir / 26 decembrie
Posted: 21st December 2011 by lemuru13 in EventsTags: 26 decembrie, cugir, cugir massive, evenimente hip hop, lazarescu, raku
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(Română) Aforic & Chimie & El Nino @ Constanta / 24 decembrie
Posted: 21st December 2011 by lemuru13 in EventsTags: aforic & chimie, christmas party, concert hip hop, constanta, evenimente hip hop
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(Română) Exile @ Arad / 23 decembrie – Lansare Gradinita
Posted: 21st December 2011 by lemuru13 in EventsTags: 23 decembrie, arad, concert hip hop, evenimente hip hop, exile, lansare gradinita
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(Română) Dragonu’ @ Piatra Neamt / 23 decembrie
Posted: 21st December 2011 by lemuru13 in EventsTags: 23 decembrie, club high life, dragonu, evenimente hip hop, flou rege, piatra neamt
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DOC, Deliric 1 & VD @ Focsani / 23 decembrie – Lansare Lucrare de Control
Posted: 21st December 2011 by lemuru13 in EventsTags: 23 decembrie, concert focsani, deliric 1, doc, evenimente hip hop, vd
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(Română) Dragonu’ & Flou Rege & DJ Al*bu @ Space Club – 18 decembrie
Posted: 15th December 2011 by lemuru13 in EventsTags: cast, club space, concert hip hop, dragonu, flou rege, hiphoplive
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(Română) Nimeni Altu’ @ Tulcea / 17 decembrie
Posted: 15th December 2011 by lemuru13 in EventsTags: 17 decembrie, concert tulcea, evenimente hip hop, fanas, nimeni altu
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