Posts Tagged ‘video’
ILL BILL – When I Die – Video
Posted: 21st November 2012 by lemuru13 in New Stuff, News, VideosTags: hip hop, ill bill, la coka nostra, lyrics, The Grimy Awards, video, video hip hop, when i die
Dedey feat Maerry – Şi Pe Tine – Video
Posted: 19th November 2012 by lemuru13 in New Stuff, News, VideosTags: bandit music, dedey, hip hop, keri, maerry, si pe tine, video
Looptroop Rockers – Fuel – Video
Posted: 2nd November 2012 by lemuru13 in New Stuff, News, VideosTags: cosmic, fuel, hip hop, Looptroop Rockers, lyrics, promoe, supreme, video
Keny Arkana – Gens Pressés – Video
Posted: 5th October 2012 by lemuru13 in Female MCs, New Stuff, News, VideosTags: 2012, album, gens presses, keny arkana, rap francez, Tout Tourne Autour Du Soleil, video, video hip hop
Chimie feat Aforic – Omul modern – Video
Posted: 27th September 2012 by lemuru13 in New Stuff, News, VideosTags: aforic, chimie, clip, hip hop, mambo siria, omul modern, video
Looptroop Rockers – Krusovice – Video
Posted: 21st September 2012 by lemuru13 in New Stuff, News, VideosTags: dvsg, hip hop, krusovice, looptroop, Looptroop Rockers, promoe, video
Potent Whisper feat Congo Natty & Nanci Correia – The Boom Bap Bounce – Video
Posted: 14th September 2012 by lemuru13 in New Stuff, News, VideosTags: boom bap festival, congo natty, hip hop, jungle, nanci correia, potent whisper, the boom bap bounce, video
Parazitii feat Dan Lazar – Toate-s La Fel – Video
Posted: 20th July 2012 by lemuru13 in New Stuff, News, VideosTags: 20cm, cheloo, clip, hip hop, ombladon, parazitii, toate-s la fel, video
Gojira & Planet H feat. Deliric – Fugi – Video
Posted: 29th June 2012 by nom nom in News, VideosTags: ctc, deliric, fugi, Gojira, hip hop, planet h, video
SHIFT feat Bean – Cineva – Video
Posted: 27th June 2012 by lemuru13 in New Stuff, News, VideosTags: bean, cineva, ghici cine ma sustinea, hip hop, shift, subcarpati, video
Killah Priest, Shabazz, Agallah, Zodiak – After The Rapture – Video
Posted: 22nd June 2012 by lemuru13 in New Stuff, News, VideosTags: after the rapture, agallah, Killah Priest, shabazz, video, wu tang, zodiak
Subcarpaţi – Underground Folclor
Posted: 17th June 2012 by lemuru13 in Download Albums, New Stuff, News, UndergroundTags: album, download, poze, recenzie, street delivery, subcarpati, tracklist, underground folclor, video
Evidence – The Liner Notes feat. Aloe Blacc
Posted: 6th June 2012 by nom nom in New Stuff, News, VideosTags: aloe blacc, cats & dogs, clip, evidence, hip hop, the liner notes, video
Show A La Krem!!
Posted: 13th April 2012 by nom nom in News, VideosTags: krem, razvan alexe, romanii au talent, semifinala, show a la krem, video
Maerry – Universitate
Posted: 5th February 2012 by lemuru13 in New Stuff, News, VideosTags: dj undoo, last lap mixtape, maerry, universitate, video, violente
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Lowkey (feat. Adnan Al-Radhi) – Soundtrack To The Struggle
Posted: 13th December 2011 by lemuru13 in New Stuff, News, VideosTags: globalfaction, lowkey, soundtrack to the struggle, video, video hip hop
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(Română) Dragonu’ feat. Flou Rege & Dj Albu – The sound of underground was found
Posted: 8th December 2011 by lemuru13 in New Stuff, News, VideosTags: adio 47 omu vechi, dragonu, flou rege, the sound of underground was found, video
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Posted: 17th November 2011 by felix in New Stuff, News, Underground, VideosTags: krs one, rap, video
Just like that!Krs-One redescrie un rezumat al istoriei culturii hip-hop in noul single lansat de curand.Piesa beneficiaza de un videoclip dragut produs de Mad Lion.Se pare ca legendarul Krs-One nu renunta deloc la definitia culturii, aducand in discutie elementele care compun hip hop-ul si bineinteles atributia lui privind rap-ul. It’s just like that!
Prop Dylan – Shock & Amaze Produced by DJ Premier
Posted: 15th September 2011 by hiphop in VideosTags: dj premier, europa, hip hop, Music, prop dylan, suedia, video, videoclipuri hip hop
In urma cu cateva zile vorbeam cu un prieten despre Dj Premier, ce reprezinta el pentru cultura hip-hop.Am dat un search pe wikipedia, iar la discografie ce vad? Prop Dylan. Nu stiu cati dintre voi ati auzit de acest baiat. Prop Dylan este din Suedia si face parte din crew-ul Catapults Entertainment.Tin minte ca l-am vazut […]