Posts Tagged ‘ski beatz’
(Română) MURS – “EPIC SALUTATIONS” | produced by SKI BEATZ
Posted: 29th May 2012 by nom nom in New Stuff, News, VideosTags: epic salutations, Love & Rockets Vol. 1: The Transformation, murs, ski beatz, videoclipuri hip hop
(Română) tabi Bonney X Yasiin Bey (produced by Ski Beatz) – CHOP CHOP
Posted: 20th May 2012 by nom nom in New Stuff, NewsTags: chop chop, endless summer, mos def, ski beatz, tabi bonney, yassin bey
Posted: 19th January 2012 by nom nom in New Stuff, News, VideosTags: 24 Hour Karate School Presents Twilight, currency, fly by, freddie gibbs, illegal, ski beatz
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(Română) Ski Beatz f. Freddie Gibbs “Illegal”
Posted: 11th January 2012 by nom nom in New Stuff, VideosTags: 24 Hour Karate School Part 2, freddie gibbs, illegal, ski beatz
Sorry, this entry is only available in Română.
(Română) MURS, “’67 CUTLASS” prod by Ski Beatz
Posted: 19th December 2011 by nom nom in New Stuff, News, VideosTags: 67 cutlass, Love & Rockets Volume 1: The Transformation, murs, ski beatz
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(Română) Ski Beatz feat. Stalley-Gentleman’s Quarterly
Posted: 15th December 2011 by nom nom in New Stuff, News, VideosTags: Gentleman’s Quarterly, ski beatz, stalley, videoclipuri hip hop
Sorry, this entry is only available in Română.
Talib Kweli – Gutter Rainbows
Posted: 27th November 2011 by nom nom in Recenzii Hip HopTags: gutter rainbows, jean grae, ski beatz, talib kweli
The purpose of this category, 2011 Hip Hop Albums, is to make a very extensive presentation (from a quantity point of view) of this years albums. Some of them you probably listened to, but some of them you probably didn’t notice because they didn’t have enough promotion to attract your attention. Some of them are truly extraordinary, […]
Murs & Ski Beatz f. Locksmith – “S-K-I-B-E-A-T-Z”
Posted: 9th November 2011 by hapsi in VideosTags: locksmith, murs, ski beatz, videoclipuri hip hop
Murs si Locksmith, Love and Rockets si Embedded, ce au in comun? S.K.I.B.E.A.T.Z. Exact, marele producator primeste un mare shout-out de la cei 2 MC, acesta punandu-si amprenta pe ambele albume. Daca nu stiati, Murs a lansat de curand: Love and Rockets, Vol. 1: The Transformation iar Locksmith va lansa pe 15 Noiembrie Embedded. […]
MURS, “316 WAYS” produced by SKI BEATZ
Posted: 11th October 2011 by nom nom in Album Releases, News, VideosTags: 316 waysLove & Rockets Vol.1: The Transformation, murs, ski beatz, videoclipuri hip hop
Murs tocmai a lansat un clip pentru piesa “316 Ways”, piesă inclusă pe mult aşteptatul album Love & Rockets Vol.1: The Transformation”, disponibil de astăzi si pe amazon şi iTunes. De producţia albumului s-a ocupat Ski Beatz! sursa: facebook Urmăriţi-ne pentru mai multe videoclipuri hip hop!
Ski Beatz f. Stalley “Larry Bird”
Posted: 11th October 2011 by nom nom in New Stuff, VideosTags: intelligent trunk music, larry bird, ski beatz, stalley, videoclipuri hip hop
Ski Beatz este în continuare tare- puteţi (re)asculta ultimele sale producţii aici pe blog: Soul Khan– “When The Plague Starts”, Locksmith“One Million Views”& “Breaking Point“ şi Murs “Let’s Go”. Cât despre Stalley, acesta s-a făcut remarcat în 2008, când a lansat mixtape-ul Goin’ Ape şi a cântat în deschidere pentru Mos Def. Apoi a urmat […]
Locksmith – “Breaking Point”
Posted: 20th September 2011 by nom nom in News, VideosTags: battle rapper, breaking point, i am lock, locksmith, ski beatz, soul khan, stiri hip hop, videoclipuri hip hop
Despre Locksmith am vorbit acum ceva vreme. Între timp acesta (asemeni lui Soul Khan), a făcut o pauză de la activitatea de battle rapper şi a lansat un EP,(mai exact pe 10 septembrie) numit I am Lock (disponibil aici). Şi de câteva zile a dat drumul unui clip la piesa “Breaking Point”, care este un […]
Posted: 14th September 2011 by nom nom in News, VideosTags: love&rockets, murs, remember to forget, ski beatz, stiri hip hop, videoclipuri hip hop
Dacă tot aşteptăm albumul “Love & Rockets Vol.1: The Transformation” ( 11 Octombrie by the way) de ce să nu vedem şi un clip nou de la Murs? 🙂 Mai jos aveţi “Remember 2 Forget”, piesa este inclusă pe albumul ce urmează să fie lansat şi este […]