Posts Tagged ‘hip hop englez’
(Română) Riz MC – Dark Hearts
Posted: 3rd June 2012 by nom nom in New Stuff, News, VideosTags: 4 lions, hip hop englez, ill manors, microscope, plan b, riz mc, uk rap
Posted: 30th May 2012 by nom nom in New Stuff, News, VideosTags: globalfaction, hip hop englez, logic, lowkey, nate, s kalibre, uk rap, videoclipuri hip hop
(Română) Flexplicit – Out Of Time + Own The Ring (OFFICIAL VIDEO)
Posted: 27th May 2012 by nom nom in New Stuff, News, VideosTags: flexplicit, hip hop englez, my game, out of time, own the ring, stiri hip hop, uk rap, videoclipuri hip hop
Logic & Last Resort feat. Klashnekoff & Lowkey – True Talk
Posted: 21st December 2011 by lemuru13 in New Stuff, News, VideosTags: hip hop englez, last resort, logic, lowkey, true talk, video hip hop
Sorry, this entry is only available in Română.
(Română) Utopia – Mapuche Chess Move
Posted: 19th November 2011 by lemuru13 in New Stuff, News, VideosTags: hip hop englez, mapuche chess move, stiri hip hop, utopia, video hip hop
Sorry, this entry is only available in Română.
Posted: 14th November 2011 by nom nom in New Stuff, NewsTags: coke and vodka, dream mclean, hip hop englez, white bread
Aici avem o bucată nouă de la Dream Mclean, preluată de la BBC 1 Xtra. Varianta finală va fi inclusă pe viitorul album al producătorului Teeza. Urmăriţi-ne pentru mai multe ştiri hip hop!
from the series: “Underrated female emcees”: Lady Paradox (27)
Posted: 6th November 2011 by nom nom in Female MCsTags: female mc, hip hop englez, lady paradox, pat d, underrated female emcees
Lady Paradox is an UK femcee. What got my attention, were the jazzy-like beats, and this is how I found out about her frequent collaborations with producer Pat D. Pat D makes jazzy beats since 2003, the hip hop part being influenced by artists like Common, Gangstarr, Jay D and Braintax. As for Lady Paradox, […]