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Posts Tagged ‘no kings’
(Română) Doomtree “Bangarang” (Video)
Posted: 19th January 2012 by nom nom in New Stuff, News, VideosTags: dessa, doomtree, no kings, Paper Tiger, sims
(Română) 5 coperti hip hop extrem de nasoale din 2011
Posted: 5th January 2012 by nom nom in Bye Bye BirdieTags: bad meets evil, domtree, drake, eminem, goblin, jay z, kanye west, no kings, take care, tyga, tyler the creator, watch the throne
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Doomtree – “Beacon”
Posted: 13th November 2011 by nom nom in Album Releases, New StuffTags: dessa, doomtree, no kings
“Beacon” este cel de-al doilea single de pe viitorul album al colectivului hip hop Doomtree, intitulat No Kings. Lansarea albumului va avea loc pe data de 22 Noiembrie. Urmăriţi-ne pentru mai multe ştiri hip hop!
Doomtree – The Grand Experiment
Posted: 17th October 2011 by nom nom in Album Releases, New StuffTags: albume hip hop, dessa, doomtree, no kings, the grand experiment
Colectivul hip hop Doomtree (membrii: P.O.S., Sims, Dessa, Mictlan, Cecil Otter, Paper Tiger şi Lazerbeak) se pregăteşte de lansarea unui album. Momentan au dat drumul unei piese, intitulate “The Grand Experiment”. Albumul No Kings va fi lansat pe 22 Noiembrie. Urmăriţi-ne pentru mai multe ştiri hip hop! sursa: Doomtree