Posts Tagged ‘wax tailor’
(Română) Recenzie Wax Tailor-Dusty Rainbow from the Dark
Posted: 21st September 2012 by nom nom in New Stuff, Recenzii Hip HopTags: A.S.M, akua, Ali Harter, aloe blacc, Charlotte Savary, Dusty Rainbow From the Dark, Elzhi, funk, hop hop, jazz, Jennifer Charles, Mattic, Sara Genn, Shana Halligan, trip hop, wax tailor
(Română) ASM (A State of Mind) – Splice the Mainbrace – Official Video
Posted: 7th December 2011 by nom nom in New Stuff, News, VideosTags: asm, crown yard, say yes, wax tailor
Sorry, this entry is only available in Română.
din seria “Underrated female emcees”:Voice(17)
Posted: 30th September 2011 by nom nom in Female MCsTags: female mc, gumbo, underrated female emcees, voice, wax tailor
Remember Voice?…Hai să vă ajut! 🙂 underrated all over the place! De aceea mă bucur ca am reuşit să găsesc câteva informaţii despre Voice! Aceasta a debutat în 2002, iar o dată cu lansarea albumului lui Wax Tailor “Hope & Sorrow” a căpătat şi o oarecare vizibilitate. Mult aşteptatul ei album de debut se numeşte […]