Posts Tagged ‘ofwgkta’
(Română) M.E.D. feat. Hodgy Beats – Outta Control (Official Video)
Posted: 25th April 2012 by nom nom in New Stuff, News, VideosTags: classic, hodgy beats, m.e.d., ofwgkta, outta control, stones throw records
Un nou membru in OFWGKTA ?
Posted: 26th September 2011 by porcobosit in New Stuff, NewsTags: hip hop, Odd Future, ofwgkta, tyler the creator, young nigga
Vineri a fost anuntata semnarea unui nou membru in gruparea Odd Future. Mai tarziu am aflat ca de fapt era vorba de alterego-ul lui Tyler, the Creator. Leader-ul de la Odd Future este cunoscut acum sub pseudonimul de Young Nigga, stilul fiind putin diferit decat ceea ce a facut Tyler pana in momentul de fata. […]
Odd Future TV Show pe Adult Swim
Posted: 9th September 2011 by hiphop in NewsTags: hip hop, loiter squad, Odd Future, ofwgkta, stiri hip hop, tyler the creator
Iata ca dupa ce isi vor lansa cartea, Odd Future se orienteaza catre micul ecran. Postul TV ‘Adult Swim‘ a anuntat de curand ca in 2012 vor difuza show-ul celor de la Odd Future intitulat ‘Loiter Squad‘.
MED feat. Hodgy Beats(OFWGKTA) – Outta Control
Posted: 6th September 2011 by nom nom in NewsTags: classic, hodgy beats, med, ofwgkta, stiri hip hop, stones throw records
Stones Throw Records a anunţat lansarea unui nou album MED! Albumul “CLASSIC” va apărea pe 1 Noiembrie.
A day in Ladera-OFWGKTA (Odd Future)
Posted: 3rd September 2011 by gettinjiggywithit in UndergroundTags: a day in ladera, Odd Future, ofwgkta, stiri hip hop, tyler the creator
Cei de la Odd Future au facut un minidocumentar in care ne prezinta o zi din cartierul lor si cum si-o ard ei.
Lansare de carte: Golf Wang de Odd Future
Posted: 10th August 2011 by porcobosit in NewsTags: golf wang, hip hop, ofwgkta, stiri, stiri hip hop, tyler, tyler the creator
Tyler, The Creator si compania au anuntat lansarea unei carti intitulate ‘Golf Wang’ pe data de 15 Noiembrie 2011.