White boy style!! Playdough comes form Dallas, Tx as an mc/freestyler/battle mc. He already has 2 albums under his belt and in addition to that an EP launched in Australia. All of his project have enjoyed criticall acclaim due to his sincere and true-to-self style of rhyming, something that’s been missing on the scene. He […]
Posts Tagged ‘live’
Playdough – Hotdoggin
Posted: 9th December 2011 by itsblu in New Stuff, News, VideosTags: live, mc, nicewitit, playdough
Slug (Atmosphere) -live 1989
Posted: 15th October 2011 by nom nom in Old SchoolTags: atmospehere, live, old school, slug
Nu am cuvinte să descriu clipul..aşa că o sa vă las pe voi să vă bucuraţi de el 🙂 Cam aşa arăta Slug acum 22 de ani. sursa: hiphopdx Urmăriţi-ne pentru mai multe ştiri hip hop!
Black Star – Fix Up (World Premiere Live) & Astronomy (8th Light)
Posted: 7th October 2011 by porcobosit in New Stuff, NewsTags: black star, hip hop, live, mos def, stiri hip hop, talib kweli
“One two three/Mos Def and Talib Kweli/We came to rock it on to the tip top/Best alliance in hip hop” Mos Def & Talib Kweli au cantat live in premiera mondiala la The Colbert Report o piesa nelansata inca nici pana in ziua de azi intitulata “Fix Up” produsa de Madlib. Black Star performeaza si piesa ‘Astronomy […]
DJ Vadim – Live in Shanghai (Septembrie ’11)
Posted: 3rd October 2011 by itsblu in Beat Makers, New StuffTags: dj, live, shanghai, show, vadim
DJ Vadim, care momentan este intr-un turneu mondial a postat de curand setul lui din Shanghai. Daca ai fost vreodata la vreun concert DJ Vadim stii ca omul se pricepe sa miste fiecare piciorus de reparas, fie el hater, underground sau ce mai vrei tu. Imi aduc aminte de o seara la Fabrica acum ceva […]