The Away Team(MC-ul Sean Boog si producatorul Khrysis) au dat drumu pe net la 2 piese(“Set It Off” cu Talib Kweli si Rapsody si “Take Air”) care anunta al 5-lea album al lor si care va aparea anul acesta pe 11 octombrie. Oamenii sunt semnati la Duck Down Records si au scos primul album in 2005 (“National Anthem”) dupa […]
Posts Tagged ‘duck down records’
The Away Team-Scars & Stripes
Posted: 21st September 2011 by gettinjiggywithit in NewsTags: 9th wonder, duck down records, khrysis, national anthem, rapsody, scars and stripes, sean boog, set it off, take air, talib kweli, the away team
Sean Price – “Untitled”
Posted: 15th September 2011 by gettinjiggywithit in VideosTags: duck down records, Heltah Skeltah, sean price
Sean Price, jumatatea trupei Heltah Skeltah, a scos un clip la o strofa (pt ca nu e o piesa nici nu are un nume) asa cum a anuntat si pe siteul doar pt ca avea chef sa scoata un clip la ceva. Probabil nu va aparea pe niciun material dar e oricum tare si merita […]
Black Moon-Ciclul Vietii-“Enta da Stage”
Posted: 25th August 2011 by hiphop in Old SchoolTags: Black Moon, buckshot, duck down records, old school
Black Moon(Brothers who Lyrically Act and Combine Kickin Music Out On Nations) este o trupa din State mai exact New York, Brooklyn formata din Buckshot,5 ft si DJ Evil Dee (of Da Beatminerz).
Apollo The Great- mixtape “Apollo 21”
Posted: 21st August 2011 by hiphop in News, VideosTags: apollo 21, apollo the great, call it quits, dj omega, duck down records, joel ortiz, mixtape, sean price, stiri hip hop, struggle no more, videoclipuri hip hop
MC-ul din Camden, New Jersey, Apollo The Great a dat drumul pe net la download la mult anticipatul mixtape “Apollo 21”. Mixtape-ul este gazduit de Dj Omega si include si single-ul “Struggle No More” cu Sean Price de la Duck Down Records.