Posts Tagged ‘cleo’
(Română) CLEO & ACADEMICS – Say I Don’t feat. Kristin Amparo
Posted: 4th October 2012 by nom nom in Female MCs, NewsTags: cleo, dopness 2, kristin amparo, rap suedez, say i dont't, videoclipuri hip hop
Cleo – Left The City Burning
Posted: 13th November 2011 by nom nom in Female MCs, New StuffTags: cleo, female mc, left the city burning, underrated female emcees
New album Cleo – Left The City Burning is now available on soundcloud! Personally I like the album, which is not at all monotonous and combines many music styles: hip hop, jazz, reggae and punk-rock! Long story short: It Rocks! \m/ Also we have the opportunity to listen to Syster Sol on a bunch of tracks, the key to […]
din seria “Underrated female emcees”: CLEO (23)
Posted: 25th October 2011 by nom nom in Female MCsTags: cleo, female mc, underrared female emcees
CLEO e o femcee din Suedia, ce şi-a făcut debutul în 2007 cu albumul “Cleo & Meldeah – Yes She Do”. CLEO are un stil propriu, combinând hip hop-ul cu underground boom-bap şi reggae ( de regulă îşi susţine concertele alături de Syster Sol, membră a grupului reggae Livelihood). Urmează să scoată un […]